Comparison is a Creativity Killer
Comparison places all of your focus on someone else, trapping you in a constant analyzation of what they have that you seem to lack. Comparison limits your perspective and redefines "good" and "valuable" as belonging only to a specific set of skills or gifts or style possessed by someone else.
Can I tell you a secret? Comparison is a liar.
While comparison tries to keep you occupied with your head down focused on someone else, you miss everything beautiful and unique about yourself! Comparison lies because YOU are so powerful. Its goal is to keep you from seeing who you really are and stepping into all of your potential.
So, how do you escape comparison's trap?
Stop listening.
Stop Listening
Comparison's only works if you listen to it. Ignore it. You get to choose which thoughts live in your mind. Your mind is vital to your creativity and you need to be proactive to protect your thoughts.
You don't have time or space to listen to comparison's lies, you've got creative work to do!
Pay attention to the thoughts that race through your mind, if you notice that you're starting to compare yourself to someone else shut it out!
Shift Your Focus
Now that you've stopped listening to comparison's lies, you can start looking at what you bring to the table. You have gifts, talents, experiences, ideas, connections, relationships, and perspective that shapes and flavors your creative expression in a unique way.
The world is waiting for your unique creative expression. If you don't release it, we will all miss out on something amazing! But you're not going to be able to express it if you are trying to make it look like someone else. Be YOU!
It won't be perfect at first, no one is - even prodigies practice! Everyone has to start somewhere and you might as well start exploring your creativity today!
βToday you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.β - βDr Seussββ
"Comparison kills creativity. Escape the trap! Shift your focus to your unique creative expression." @brightideascollective #comparison #brightideas
10 Tips for 10 Days
I participated in a LinkedIn challenge called 10 Tips for 10 Days and recorded ten quick videos on a variety of topics, including comparison!
"You get to choose which thoughts get to live in your head, and which ones to reject. You get to choose to either cultivate cultivate comparison or your creativity." @brightideascollective #brightideas #comparison
Learn More about Creative Leadership
Bright Ideas: Light Up Your Creativity. If you'd like to learn more about Creative Leadership and expressing your creativity, grab a copy of our book, Bright Ideas: Light Up Your Creativity from our shop or Amazon.